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Doing It Ourselves

Here you can find a collection of ideas for things to do, be it in the garden or at home, with children or in the street. All suggestions to, or simply post in the Shoutbox.

Solar Shower & Oven

Solar showers are easy to make, in essence you put a hose in the sun and stand underneath it. You can use the radiator from the back of a fridge, but the model i saw at kids from kanata just used a black hose and apparently that produced water so hot you could only stand under it for a few seconds at a time! Anyhow, here's a walkthrough. Solar Ovens, on the other hand, are a little simpler; just a box, painted black, with glass on top and tinfoil inside. explain it all.

Project Centre

There really are too many things to do with your life for us to list them here; for starters, why don't you get a bike? cheaper than a car, quicker than legs, everyone should have one! has a lot of good projects, and have more than enough to keep you going.

PickAsYouEat- Wild Foods

There is a fair amount of information about wild foods on the internet, the Low Impact Living Initiative do a really good factsheet on the issue. FoodForFree has an extensive list of plants, their uses and their tastes, while the Really Wild Food Guide is one for the coinisseurs. Also, see Downsizer.nets' Wild Picks of the Month.

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page

Even if I don't put much text on my home page, it's a good idea to include hidden tools that will help me promote my site, so people other than my friends and family actually see it. For example, I could add meta tags, which are hidden codes that allow search engines to find my site. I could also install stats and a counter so I know how many people are visiting. If not many are visiting, submitting my site to search engines will guide more traffic to my site.