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Forum Now Open!

The forum is now up and running! please check it out and leave an introduction, the link is here. This is a site for members of the SouthWest Bloc to get together, discuss plans and organise the neighbourhood for our camp. Here is a list of things to consider, if u can help with any of these please email gnc@mail.com.


Power Supplies/ Lighting

Marquees/ Tents

Creche Area


Seating/ Flooring


For a more complete wishlist, please visit: http://climatecamp.org.uk/wishlist.htm

Members & Forums

Its all getting a bit strange here, the Forum is up and running but everyone is only posting on the Shoutbox. The answer to infection? Feel free to post an intro on the shoutbox, but from now on all messages to the forum please. Please sign up (quick n easy) and leave an introduction. All contact details are confidential, please leave an email or tel. number so we can get in touch for planning meetings etc. 

Goto Shoutbox, or the Forum

Free Guestbook

What is the Camp For Climate Action?

The Camp will demonstrate and live the alternatives by bringing diverse groups and individuals together to live in an ecologically sustainable, cooperative way. The camp will aim to be as carbon neutral as possible and all energy, except perhaps gas for cooking (not if our solar oven gets underway!), will come from renewable sources. It will be a place were we explore grassroots solutions to climate change through workshops, skill-sharing, education, debate and entertainment. The camp will also bring together people already campaigning on this and related issues.

Projects Page

The projects page is up! We hope to feature pedal power, easycle bins, tin can turbines and much more! Any ideas of course, feel free to post on the forum.